Folder pane

The folder pane contains the menu bar, tool bar, path entry, and folder list.

Menu bar

The main menu of the window. The functions available from the main menu are described in the Menus chapter.

Tool bar

The tool bar includes buttons for often used operations. The tool bar can be hidden or shown by selecting “Hide toolbar” from the view menu.

Note: These buttons are only displayed as an icon, the text below refers to the tool tip that appears by hovering the mouse over each button.

Path entry

This displays the active folder of the window and allows typing a location.

A folder or file can be typed into the entry to quickly change to a desired location or image, the main window will update after pressing the Enter key. Tab completion is also available in the path entry.

Note: Tab completion uses the Tab key, press the Down key to move the focus from the entry.

Next to the path entry is a button with a down arrow, clicking this will display a drop down list containing the most recent locations viewed. The list is ordered such that the most recent location is at the top. Selecting a location from the drop down list will change the window to display the location.

Folder list

This displays a list of sub folders contained in the active folder, or a tree that includes all folders in the file system.

A context menu can be displayed by clicking the right mouse button on the folder pane or pressing the menu key while the folder pane has the focus

List view

This mode can be enabled by unselecting “Tree” from the View menu, pressing Ctrl + T, or unselecting “View as tree” from the context menu.

The list view mode displays sub folders contained in the active folder in a standard vertical list. The parent folder can be selected with the folder named “..”.

Tree view

This mode can be enabled by selecting “Tree” from the View menu, pressing Ctrl + T, or selecting “View as tree” from the context menu.

The tree view mode displays all folders in the file system, starting with the root folder and branching out to include sub folders. A folder branch can be expanded or collapsed by clicking the expander next to each folder icon, or by pressing the respective + or - keys when the folder branch has the focus.


The order of the folder names will match the order selected for the file pane. Sort order can be changed by clicking the sort area of the status bar or from the context menu of the file pane.

Context menu

Right clicking the mouse or pressing the menu key while the folder pane has focus will display a menu. The menu functions will perform the same as those that match the window's menu bar, however a few functions are unique to the context menu:

Drag and drop

Image files can be dropped onto folders displayed in the folder pane. A menu will appear allowing you to select to move or copy the dropped images into the target folder. The list will automatically scroll up or down when the drag pointer is near the respective top or bottom of the list. When in tree mode, hovering over a folder for a brief period of time will expand that folder.

The folders can used as a drag source for drag and drop, for example to add images in a folder to a collection window. However drag and drop can not be used to move or copy folders in Geeqie.

Using Shift key while dragging is a shortcut to move action. Menu will not appear but move will occur.

Using Ctrl key while dragging is a shortcut to copy action. Menu will not appear but copy will occur.