OverlayScreen Display

This section describes the options presented under the OSD Tab of the preferences dialog.

11.3.1. Overlay Screen Display

The contents of the Overlay Screen Display is defined by the Image Overlay Template. This template is easily customised to display a wide range of data.

The format of each entry is:


Tag Replaced by
name Filename of the picture
collection Name of the collection
number Current number of image in the list
total Total number of images
date File date
size File size
width Image width
height Image height
res Image resolution
keywords Image keywords from metadata
comment Image comment from XMP metadata
imagecomment JPEG image comment
rating Image rating
<meta_tag> The Exif, XMP, or IPTC tag from metadata
lua/<lua_script>/ The output of a Lua script file
lua//<lua_command> The output of a Lua command

As an aide, in addition to standard metadata tags, Geeqie provides a number of pre-formatted tags .

Examples of usage are:


Refer to Lua Extensions for further information.

The length of displayed data can be limited by using the :max_length parameter. The following example will truncate the displayed data to 20 characters and will add 3 dots at the end to denote the truncation.


If two or more variables are connected with the | character, the variables are displayed with a separator. For example::

could show:
"1/20s - 400 - 80 mm"
Or, if there is no ISO information in the Exif data:
"1/200 - 80 mm"

If there is no data for a requested tag, the line is not displayed.

The :extra parameter may be used to format the output by prepending and appending a text string to the displayed item.

The special character * is used to mark the position of the Tag data item. If no * is present, the extra string is just appended to the standard data displayed. Any "\n" is replaced by a newline on display. Pango mark up is accepted in both left and right parts. If the data item is empty, nothing will be displayed.


Template Example display
%name: <i>*</i>\n% filename001.jpg
%size:\n% 123456
%formatted.ISOSpeedRating:ISO *% ISO 100
%collection:Collection: <b>*</b> \n% Collection: my_new_collection

Font , Text , Background
The font used for the Overlay Screen Display, as well as the font colour and background colour, may be set via these buttons. Colour transparency can also be set.

Show syntax help


Restore default image overlay template