# This file is a part of Geeqie project (https://www.geeqie.org/). # Copyright (C) 2008 - 2022 The Geeqie Team # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # Meson default directories used in this project: # prefix - /usr/local # bindir - bin # datadir - share # Meson core options: # buildtype # debug # Project expanded default directories: # prefix /usr/local/ # bindir /usr/local/bin geeqie executable # gq_bindir /usr/local/lib/geeqie * plugins scripts # datadir /usr/local/share/ # /usr/local/share/applications org.geeqie.Geeqie.desktop # [gq_]appdir /usr/local/share/geeqie/ * org,geeqie.template.desktop # desktopdir /usr/local/share/geeqie/applications plugin desktop files # appdatadir /usr/local/share/metainfo org.geeqie.Geeqie.appdata.xml # icondir /usr/local/share/pixmaps geeqie.png icon # [gq_]helpdir /usr/local/share/doc/geeqie * readme files etc. # [gq_]htmldir /usr/local/share/doc/geeqie/html * help files # gq_localedir /usr/locale/share/locale # mandir1 /usr/local/share/man/man1 man page # completionsdir /usr/local/share/bash-completion/completions bash command line completions # podir project_root/po # * See meson_options.txt file project( 'geeqie', 'c', 'cpp', version : run_command('./version.sh', check : true).stdout().strip(), license : ['GPL-2.0-or-later'], meson_version : '>=1.0.0', default_options : ['cpp_std=c++14', 'warning_level=3', 'buildtype=debugoptimized', 'cpp_link_args=-rdynamic'] ) # To inhibit warnings from the generated file icons.h add_global_arguments('-Wno-overlength-strings', language : 'c') # To compile originally-C files as C++ add_global_arguments('-Wno-error=deprecated-declarations', language : 'cpp') # Project requirements project_sources = [] gnome = import('gnome') thread_dep = dependency('threads') cc = meson.get_compiler('cpp') i18n = import('i18n') fs = import('fs') configuration_inc = include_directories('.') # Extended stack trace using backward-app option = get_option('devel') if option.enabled() if cc.has_link_argument('-ldwarf') add_project_link_arguments('-ldwarf', language: 'cpp') endif endif # External programs glib_compile_resources = find_program('glib-compile-resources', required : true) glib_genmarshal = find_program('glib-genmarshal', required : true) option = get_option('git') if not option.disabled() running_from_git = find_program('git', required: false).found() and fs.is_dir('.git') else running_from_git = false summary({'git' : ['disabled - ChangeLog, ChangeLog.html, lua-api help file created:', false]}, section : 'Documentation', bool_yn : true) endif debug = get_option('debug') # Note that main.cc sets prefix to the directory above where the executable is run from. # This is to allow AppImages to be used # These gq_* variables are paths relative to /prefix/, # and are also used in defines in the source as GQ_* if get_option('gq_appdir') == '' gq_appdir = join_paths(get_option('datadir'), 'geeqie') else gq_appdir = get_option('gq_appdir') endif # This is not the same as Meson bindir if get_option('gq_bindir') == '' gq_bindir = 'lib/geeqie' else gq_bindir = get_option('gq_bindir') endif if get_option('gq_helpdir') == '' gq_helpdir = join_paths(get_option('datadir'), 'doc/geeqie') else gq_helpdir = get_option('gq_helpdir') endif if get_option('gq_htmldir') == '' gq_htmldir = join_paths(get_option('datadir'), 'doc/geeqie/html') else gq_htmldir = get_option('gq_htmldir') endif if get_option('gq_localedir') == '' gq_localedir = join_paths(get_option('datadir'), 'locale') else gq_localedir = get_option('gq_localedir') endif # Set up the absolute directory paths used prefix = get_option('prefix') datadir = join_paths(prefix, get_option('datadir')) # Installation paths are absolute appdir = join_paths(prefix, gq_appdir) appdatadir = join_paths(datadir, 'metainfo') desktopdir = join_paths(datadir, meson.project_name(), 'applications') helpdir = join_paths(prefix, gq_helpdir) htmldir = join_paths(prefix, gq_htmldir) icondir = join_paths(datadir, 'pixmaps') mandir1 = join_paths(datadir, 'man', 'man1') completionsdir = join_paths(datadir, 'bash-completion', 'completions') podir = join_paths(meson.project_source_root(), 'po') scriptsdir = join_paths(meson.project_source_root(), 'scripts') summary({'gq_appdir': gq_appdir, 'gq_bindir': gq_helpdir, 'gq_helpdir': gq_helpdir, 'gq_htmldir': gq_htmldir, 'gq_localedir': gq_localedir, }, section: 'Directories') # Create the define constants used in the sources. Set via config.h.in conf_data = configuration_data() conf_data.set('DEBUG', debug) conf_data.set('HAVE_GTK4', 0) option = get_option('gtk4') if option.enabled() gtk_dep = dependency('gtk4', required: true) conf_data.set('HAVE_GTK4', 1) else gtk_dep = dependency('gtk+-3.0', version : '>=3.24', required: true) endif glib_dep = dependency('glib-2.0', version : '>=2.52', required: true) # Required only when backward-cpp is used conf_data.set('HAVE_DEVELOPER', 0) libdw_dep = [] libunwind_dep = [] option = get_option('devel') if option.enabled() libdw_dep = dependency('libdw', required : true) if libdw_dep.found() libunwind_dep = dependency('libunwind', required : true) if libunwind_dep.found() conf_data.set('HAVE_DEVELOPER', 1) summary({'developer mode' : ['extended stacktrace:', true]}, section : 'Debugging', bool_yn : true) else summary({'developer mode' : ['libunwind not found. extended stacktrace:', false]}, section : 'Debugging', bool_yn : true) endif else summary({'developer mode' : ['libdw not found. extended stacktrace:', false]}, section : 'Debugging', bool_yn : true) endif else summary({'developer mode' : ['extended stacktrace:', false]}, section : 'Debugging', bool_yn : true) endif # Required only for seg. fault stacktrace and backtrace debugging conf_data.set('HAVE_EXECINFO_H', 0) option = get_option('execinfo') libexecinfo_dep = [] if not option.disabled() result = cc.check_header('execinfo.h') if result # Include unconditionally dependency for NetBSD. libexecinfo_dep = cc.find_library('execinfo', required : false) conf_data.set('HAVE_EXECINFO_H', 1) summary({'execinfo' : ['stacktrace supported:', true]}, section : 'Debugging', bool_yn : true) else summary({'execinfo' : ['stacktrace supported:', false]}, section : 'Debugging', bool_yn : true) endif else summary({'execinfo' : ['stacktrace supported:', false]}, section : 'Debugging', bool_yn : true) endif conf_data.set('HAVE_ARCHIVE', 0) libarchive_dep = [] req_version = '>=3.4.0' option = get_option('archive') if not option.disabled() libarchive_dep = dependency('libarchive', version : req_version, required : get_option('archive')) if libarchive_dep.found() conf_data.set('HAVE_ARCHIVE', 1) summary({'archive' : ['archive files e.g. .zip supported:', true]}, section : 'Configuration', bool_yn : true) else summary({'archive' : ['libarchive ' + req_version + ' not found - archive files e.g. .zip supported::', false]}, section : 'Configuration', bool_yn : true) endif else summary({'archive' : ['disabled - archive files e.g. .zip supported:', false]}, section : 'Configuration', bool_yn : true) endif conf_data.set('HAVE_LCMS', 0) conf_data.set('HAVE_LCMS2', 0) lcms_dep = [] req_version = '>=2.0' option = get_option('cms') if not option.disabled() xxd = find_program('xxd', 'xxdi.pl', required : false) if xxd.found() lcms_dep = dependency('lcms2', version : req_version, required : get_option('cms')) if lcms_dep.found() conf_data.set('HAVE_LCMS', 1) conf_data.set('HAVE_LCMS2', 1) summary({'cms' : ['color management supported:', true]}, section : 'Configuration', bool_yn : true) else summary({'cms' : ['lcms2' + req_version + ' not found - color management supported:', false]}, section : 'Configuration', bool_yn : true) endif else summary({'cms' : ['xxd or xxdi.pl not found - color management supported:', false]}, section : 'Configuration', bool_yn : true) endif else summary({'cms' : ['disabled - color management supported:', false]}, section : 'Configuration', bool_yn : true) endif conf_data.set('HAVE_DJVU', 0) ddjvuapi_dep = [] req_version = '>=2.5.27' option = get_option('djvu') if not option.disabled() ddjvuapi_dep = dependency('ddjvuapi', version : req_version, required : get_option('djvu')) if ddjvuapi_dep.found() conf_data.set('HAVE_DJVU', 1) summary({'djvu' : ['djvu files supported:', true]}, section : 'Configuration', bool_yn : true) else summary({'djvu' : ['ddjvuapi ' + req_version + ' not found - djvu files supported:', false]}, section : 'Configuration', bool_yn : true) endif else summary({'djvu' : ['disabled - djvu files supported:', false]}, section : 'Configuration', bool_yn : true) endif option = get_option('evince') if not option.disabled() evince = find_program('evince', required : false) if evince.found() summary({'print preview' : ['print preview supported:', true]}, section : 'Configuration', bool_yn : true) else summary({'print preview' : ['evince not found - print preview supported:', false]}, section : 'Configuration', bool_yn : true) endif else summary({'print preview' : ['disabled - print preview supported:', false]}, section : 'Configuration', bool_yn : true) endif # Required only for seg. fault stacktrace and backtrace debugging conf_data.set('HAVE_EXECINFO_H', 0) option = get_option('execinfo') if not option.disabled() result = cc.check_header('execinfo.h') if result conf_data.set('HAVE_EXECINFO_H', 1) summary({'execinfo' : ['stacktrace supported:', true]}, section : 'Configuration', bool_yn : true) else summary({'execinfo' : ['stacktrace supported:', false]}, section : 'Configuration', bool_yn : true) endif else summary({'execinfo' : ['stacktrace supported:', false]}, section : 'Configuration', bool_yn : true) endif conf_data.set('HAVE_EXIV2', 0) exiv2_dep = [] req_version = '>=0.18' option = get_option('exiv2') if not option.disabled() exiv2_dep = dependency('exiv2', version : req_version, required : get_option('exiv2')) if exiv2_dep.found() conf_data.set('HAVE_EXIV2', 1) summary({'exiv2' : ['image metadata processed by exiv2:', true]}, section : 'Configuration', bool_yn : true) else summary({'exiv2' : ['exiv2 ' + req_version + ' not found - image data not processed by exiv2:', false]}, section : 'Configuration', bool_yn : true) endif else summary({'exiv2' : ['disabled - image data processed by exiv2:', false]}, section : 'Configuration', bool_yn : true) endif conf_data.set('HAVE_CLUTTER', 0) conf_data.set('HAVE_LIBCHAMPLAIN', 0) conf_data.set('HAVE_LIBCHAMPLAIN_GTK', 0) champlain_dep = [] champlain_gtk_dep = [] clutter_dep = [] clutter_gtk_dep = [] req_version_champlain = '>=0.12' req_version_champlain_gtk = '>=0.12' req_version_clutter = '>=1.0' req_version_clutter_gtk = '>=1.0' option = get_option('gps-map') if not option.disabled() champlain_dep = dependency('champlain-0.12', version : req_version_champlain, required : get_option('gps-map')) champlain_gtk_dep = dependency('champlain-gtk-0.12', version : req_version_champlain_gtk, required : get_option('gps-map')) if champlain_dep.found() and champlain_gtk_dep.found() clutter_dep = dependency('clutter-1.0', version : req_version_clutter, required : get_option('gps-map')) clutter_gtk_dep = dependency('clutter-gtk-1.0', version : req_version_clutter_gtk, required : get_option('gps-map')) if clutter_dep.found() and clutter_gtk_dep.found() conf_data.set('HAVE_CLUTTER', 1) conf_data.set('HAVE_LIBCHAMPLAIN', 1) conf_data.set('HAVE_LIBCHAMPLAIN_GTK', 1) summary({'gps-map' : ['GPS map displayed', true]}, section : 'Configuration', bool_yn : true) else if not clutter_dep.found() summary({'gps-map-clutter' : ['clutter-1.0 ' + req_version_clutter + ' not found - GPS map displayed:', false]}, section : 'Configuration', bool_yn : true) endif if not clutter_gtk_dep.found() summary({'gps-map-clutter-gtk' : ['clutter-gtk-1.0 ' + req_version_clutter_gtk + ' not found - GPS map displayed:', false]}, section : 'Configuration', bool_yn : true) endif endif else if not champlain_dep.found() summary({'gps-map-champlain' : ['champlain-0.12 ' + req_version_champlain + ' not found - GPS map displayed:', false]}, section : 'Configuration', bool_yn : true) endif if not champlain_gtk_dep.found() summary({'gps-map-champlain-gtk' : ['champlain-gtk-0.12 ' + req_version_champlain_gtk + ' not found - GPS map displayed:', false]}, section : 'Configuration', bool_yn : true) endif endif else summary({'gps-map' : ['disabled - GPS map displayed:', false]}, section : 'Configuration', bool_yn : true) endif conf_data.set('HAVE_HEIF', 0) libheif_dep = [] req_version = '>=1.3.2' option = get_option('heif') if not option.disabled() libheif_dep = dependency('libheif', version : req_version, required : get_option('heif')) if libheif_dep.found() conf_data.set('HAVE_HEIF', 1) summary({'heif' : ['heif files supported:', true]}, section : 'Configuration', bool_yn : true) else summary({'heif' : ['libheif ' + req_version + ' not found - heif files supported:', false]}, section : 'Configuration', bool_yn : true) endif else summary({'heif' : ['disabled - heif files supported:', false]}, section : 'Configuration', bool_yn : true) endif conf_data.set('HAVE_J2K', 0) libopenjp2_dep = [] req_version = '>=2.3.0' option = get_option('j2k') if not option.disabled() libopenjp2_dep = dependency('libopenjp2', version : req_version, required : get_option('j2k')) if libopenjp2_dep.found() conf_data.set('HAVE_J2K', 1) summary({'j2k' : ['j2k files supported:', true]}, section : 'Configuration', bool_yn : true) else summary({'j2k' : ['libopenjp2 ' + req_version + ' not found - j2k files supported:', false]}, section : 'Configuration', bool_yn : true) endif else summary({'j2k' : ['disabled - j2k files supported:', false]}, section : 'Configuration', bool_yn : true) endif conf_data.set('HAVE_JPEG', 0) libjpeg_dep = [] option = get_option('jpeg') if not option.disabled() libjpeg_dep = dependency('libjpeg', required : get_option('jpeg')) if libjpeg_dep.found() if cc.has_function('jpeg_destroy_decompress', dependencies : libjpeg_dep) conf_data.set('HAVE_JPEG', 1) summary({'jpeg' : ['jpeg files supported:', true]}, section : 'Configuration', bool_yn : true) else summary({'jpeg' : ['jpeg_destroy_decompress not found - jpeg files supported:', false]}, section : 'Configuration', bool_yn : true) endif else summary({'jpeg' : ['libjpeg: not found', false]}, section : 'Configuration', bool_yn : true) endif else summary({'jpeg' : ['disabled - jpeg files supported:', false]}, section : 'Configuration', bool_yn : true) endif conf_data.set('HAVE_JPEGXL', 0) libjxl_dep = [] req_version = '>=0.3.7' option = get_option('jpegxl') if not option.disabled() libjxl_dep = dependency('libjxl', version : req_version, required : get_option('jpegxl')) if libjxl_dep.found() conf_data.set('HAVE_JPEGXL', 1) summary({'jpegxl' : ['jpegxl files supported:', true]}, section : 'Configuration', bool_yn : true) else summary({'jpegxl' : ['libjxl ' + req_version + ' not found - jpegxl files supported:', false]}, section : 'Configuration', bool_yn : true) endif else summary({'jpegxl' : ['disabled - jpegxl files supported:', false]}, section : 'Configuration', bool_yn : true) endif conf_data.set('HAVE_RAW', 0) libraw_dep = [] req_version = '>=0.20' option = get_option('libraw') if not option.disabled() libraw_dep = dependency('libraw', version : req_version, required : get_option('libraw')) if libraw_dep.found() conf_data.set('HAVE_RAW', 1) summary({'libraw' : ['.cr3 files supported:', true]}, section : 'Configuration', bool_yn : true) else summary({'libraw' : ['libraw ' + req_version + ' not found - .cr3 files supported:', false]}, section : 'Configuration', bool_yn : true) endif else summary({'libraw' : ['disabled - .cr3 files supported:', false]}, section : 'Configuration', bool_yn : true) endif conf_data.set('HAVE_LUA', 0) lua_dep = [] req_version = '>=5.3' option = get_option('lua') if not option.disabled() lua_dep = dependency('lua', 'lua5.3', 'lua-5.3', 'lua53', version: req_version, required: get_option('lua')) if lua_dep.found() conf_data.set('HAVE_LUA', 1) summary({'lua' : ['lua supported:', true]}, section : 'Configuration', bool_yn : true) else summary({'lua' : ['lua ' + req_version + ' not found - lua supported:', false]}, section : 'Configuration', bool_yn : true) endif else summary({'lua' : ['disabled - lua supported:', false]}, section : 'Configuration', bool_yn : true) endif # Install standard documents option = get_option('pandoc') if not option.disabled() pandoc = find_program('pandoc', required : false) if pandoc.found() readme_html = custom_target( 'README.html', input: 'README.md', output: 'README.html', command: [pandoc, '@INPUT@', '-o', '@OUTPUT@'], install: true, install_dir: helpdir) summary({'README' : ['README.html created:', true]}, section : 'Documentation', bool_yn : true) else summary({'README' : ['pandoc not found - README.html created:', false]}, section : 'Documentation', bool_yn : true) endif else summary({'pandoc' : ['disabled - README.html created:', false]}, section : 'Documentation', bool_yn : true) endif install_data('README.md', 'COPYING', 'TODO', install_dir : helpdir) conf_data.set('HAVE_PDF', 0) poppler_glib_dep = [] req_version = '>=0.62' option = get_option('pdf') if not option.disabled() poppler_glib_dep = dependency('poppler-glib', version : req_version, required : get_option('pdf')) if poppler_glib_dep.found() conf_data.set('HAVE_PDF', 1) summary({'pdf' : ['pdf files supported:', true]}, section : 'Configuration', bool_yn : true) else summary({'pdf' : ['poppler-glib ' + req_version + ' not found - pdf files supported:', false]}, section : 'Configuration', bool_yn : true) endif else summary({'pdf' : ['disabled - pdf files supported:', false]}, section : 'Configuration', bool_yn : true) endif conf_data.set('HAVE_SPELL', 0) gspell_dep = [] req_version = '>=1.6' option = get_option('spell') if not option.disabled() gspell_dep = dependency('gspell-1', version : req_version, required: get_option('spell')) if gspell_dep.found() conf_data.set('HAVE_SPELL', 1) summary({'spell' : ['spelling checks enabled', true]}, section : 'Configuration', bool_yn : true) else summary({'spell' : ['gspell-1 ' + req_version + ' not found - spelling checks enabled', false]}, section : 'Configuration', bool_yn : true) endif else summary({'spell' : ['disabled - spelling checks enabled', false]}, section : 'Configuration', bool_yn : true) endif conf_data.set('HAVE_TIFF', 0) tiff_dep = [] option = get_option('tiff') if not option.disabled() tiff_dep = dependency('libtiff-4', required: get_option('tiff')) if tiff_dep.found() if cc.has_function('TIFFClientOpen', dependencies : tiff_dep) conf_data.set('HAVE_TIFF', 1) summary({'tiff' : ['tiff files supported:', true]}, section : 'Configuration', bool_yn : true) else summary({'tiff' : ['TIFFClientOpen not found - tiff files supported:', false]}, section : 'Configuration', bool_yn : true) endif else summary({'tiff' : ['libtiff not found - tiff files supported:', false]}, section : 'Configuration', bool_yn : true) endif else summary({'tiff' : ['disabled - tiff files supported:', false]}, section : 'Configuration', bool_yn : true) endif conf_data.set('HAVE_FFMPEGTHUMBNAILER', 0) conf_data.set('HAVE_FFMPEGTHUMBNAILER_METADATA', 0) conf_data.set('HAVE_FFMPEGTHUMBNAILER_RGB', 0) conf_data.set('HAVE_FFMPEGTHUMBNAILER_WH', 0) libffmpegthumbnailer_dep = [] req_version = '>=2.1.0' option = get_option('videothumbnailer') if not option.disabled() libffmpegthumbnailer_dep = dependency('libffmpegthumbnailer', version : req_version, required : get_option('videothumbnailer')) if libffmpegthumbnailer_dep.found() conf_data.set('HAVE_FFMPEGTHUMBNAILER', 1) summary({'videothumbnailer' : ['thumbnails of video files supported:', true]}, section : 'Configuration', bool_yn : true) result = cc.has_member('struct video_thumbnailer_struct', 'prefer_embedded_metadata', prefix : '#include ') if result conf_data.set('HAVE_FFMPEGTHUMBNAILER_METADATA', 1) endif summary({'fmpegthumbnailer_metadata' : ['fmpegthumbnailer_metadata found:', result]}, section : 'Thumbnailer', bool_yn : true) result = cc.has_member('struct image_data_struct', 'image_data_width', prefix : '#include ' ) if result conf_data.set('HAVE_FFMPEGTHUMBNAILER_RGB', 1) endif summary({'fmpegthumbnailer_rgb' : ['fmpegthumbnailer_rgb found:', result]}, section : 'Thumbnailer', bool_yn : true) result = cc.has_function('video_thumbnailer_set_size', dependencies : libffmpegthumbnailer_dep) if result conf_data.set('HAVE_FFMPEGTHUMBNAILER_WH', 1) endif summary({'fmpegthumbnailer_set_size' : ['fmpegthumbnailer_set_size found:', result]}, section : 'Thumbnailer', bool_yn : true) else summary({'videothumbnailer' : ['libvideothumbnailer ' + req_version + ' not found - thumbnails of video files supported', false]}, section : 'Configuration', bool_yn : true) endif else summary({'videothumbnailer' : ['disabled -thumbnails of video files supported', false]}, section : 'Configuration', bool_yn : true) endif conf_data.set('HAVE_WEBP', 0) libwebp_dep = [] req_version = '>=0.6.1' option = get_option('webp') if not option.disabled() libwebp_dep = dependency('libwebp', version : req_version, required : get_option('webp')) if libwebp_dep.found() conf_data.set('HAVE_WEBP', 1) summary({'webp' : ['webp files supported:', true]}, section : 'Configuration', bool_yn : true) else summary({'webp' : ['libwebp ' + req_version + ' not found - webp files supported:', false]}, section : 'Configuration', bool_yn : true) endif else summary({'webp' : ['disabled - webp files supported:', false]}, section : 'Configuration', bool_yn : true) endif # Check for nl_langinfo and _NL_TIME_FIRST_WEEKDAY conf_data.set('HAVE__NL_TIME_FIRST_WEEKDAY', 0) code = '''#include #include int main (int argc, char ** argv) { char *c; c = nl_langinfo(_NL_TIME_FIRST_WEEKDAY); return 0; }''' if cc.links(code, name : 'nl_langinfo and _NL_TIME_FIRST_WEEKDAY') conf_data.set('HAVE__NL_TIME_FIRST_WEEKDAY', 1) summary({'nl_langinfo' : ['first weekday depends on locale:', true]}, section : 'Documentation', bool_yn : true) else summary({'nl_langinfo' : ['nl_langinfo not found - first weekday depends on locale:', false, 'first weekday defaults to Monday']}, section : 'Documentation', bool_yn : true) endif conf_data.set_quoted('GETTEXT_PACKAGE', meson.project_name()) conf_data.set_quoted('GQ_APPDIR', gq_appdir) conf_data.set_quoted('GQ_BINDIR', gq_bindir) conf_data.set_quoted('GQ_HELPDIR', gq_helpdir) conf_data.set_quoted('GQ_HTMLDIR', gq_htmldir) conf_data.set_quoted('GQ_LOCALEDIR', gq_localedir) conf_data.set_quoted('PACKAGE', meson.project_name()) conf_data.set_quoted('PACKAGE_NAME', meson.project_name()) conf_data.set_quoted('PACKAGE_STRING', meson.project_version()) conf_data.set_quoted('PACKAGE_TARNAME', meson.project_name()) conf_data.set_quoted('PACKAGE_VERSION', meson.project_version()) conf_data.set_quoted('VERSION', meson.project_version()) configure_file(input : 'config.h.in', output : 'config.h', encoding : 'UTF-8', configuration : conf_data) # For gtk builder checks on .ui files ui_sources = [] # Process subdirs before the sources subdir('po') subdir('plugins') # Generate the executable subdir('src') # Generate the help files subdir('doc') # Generate the command line auto-complete file subdir('auto-complete') # Install other project files if running_from_git cmd = [find_program('gen_changelog.sh'), meson.current_source_dir(), meson.current_build_dir()] custom_target( 'ChangeLog', input: 'ChangeLog.gqview', output: ['ChangeLog', 'ChangeLog.html'], command: cmd, install: true, install_dir: helpdir) meson.add_dist_script(cmd) summary({'ChangeLog' : ['ChangeLog, ChangeLog.html created:', true]}, section : 'Documentation', bool_yn : true) elif fs.exists('ChangeLog.html') install_data('ChangeLog', 'ChangeLog.html', install_dir: helpdir) summary({'ChangeLog' : ['ChangeLog, ChangeLog.html installed from dist:', true]}, section : 'Documentation', bool_yn : true) endif install_data('geeqie.png', install_dir : icondir) install_data('geeqie.1', install_dir : mandir1) i18n.merge_file( input : 'org.geeqie.Geeqie.desktop.in', output : 'org.geeqie.Geeqie.desktop', type : 'desktop', po_dir : podir, install : true, install_dir : join_paths(datadir, 'applications')) i18n.merge_file( input : 'org.geeqie.Geeqie.appdata.xml.in', output : 'org.geeqie.Geeqie.appdata.xml', type : 'xml', po_dir : podir, install : true, install_dir : appdatadir) configure_file(input: 'geeqie.spec.in', output: 'geeqie.spec', configuration: conf_data) # Basic test of the executable # is_parallel false is to avoid problems with images tests xvfb = find_program('xvfb-run', required : false) if xvfb.found() test('Basic test', xvfb, args: ['--auto-servernum', geeqie_exe, '--version'], is_parallel : false, timeout: 100) summary({'xvfb' : ['Test runs:', true]}, section : 'Testing', bool_yn : true) else summary({'xvfb' : ['Test runs:', false]}, section : 'Testing', bool_yn : true) endif # The tests are run on GitHub with all options disabled, and then # Image tests use option devel as a flag so that normal users do not # download the test image database. # Image checks option = get_option('devel') if option.enabled() if xvfb.found() get_test_images_sh = find_program('get-test-images.sh', dirs : scriptsdir, required : true) image_test_sh = find_program('image-test.sh', dirs : scriptsdir, required : true) images_dir = join_paths(meson.current_build_dir(), 'test-images.p') message('Downloading test images') sources_list = run_command(get_test_images_sh, images_dir, 'https://github.com/caclark/geeqie-test.git', check: true) sources = sources_list.stdout().strip().split('\n') foreach image : sources image_path = '@0@'.format(image) path_array = image_path.split('/') image_name = path_array[path_array.length() - 1] if image_name.startswith('fail') test('Image_ ' + image_name, image_test_sh, args: [geeqie_exe, image], is_parallel : false, should_fail : true, timeout: 100) else test('Image_ ' + image_name, image_test_sh, args: [geeqie_exe, image], is_parallel : false, timeout: 100) endif endforeach summary({'Image tests' : ['Test runs:', true]}, section : 'Testing', bool_yn : true) else summary({'Image tests' : ['Test runs:', false]}, section : 'Testing', bool_yn : true) endif else summary({'Image tests' : ['Test runs:', false]}, section : 'Testing', bool_yn : true) endif # Code correctness checks if running_from_git clang_tidy_exe = find_program('clang-tidy', required : false) if clang_tidy_exe.found() git_exe = find_program('git', required : true) foreach source_file : main_sources + pan_view_sources + view_file_sources if fs.name(source_file).endswith('.cc') source_file_name = fs.name(source_file) config_file = join_paths(meson.project_source_root(), '.clang-tidy') test('Code Correctness_ ' + source_file_name, clang_tidy_exe, args : ['-p', './build', '-quiet', '--config-file', config_file, source_file], timeout : 100) endif endforeach summary({'Code Correctness' : ['Test runs:', true]}, section : 'Testing', bool_yn : true) else summary({'Code Correctness' : ['Test runs:', false]}, section : 'Testing', bool_yn : true) endif else summary({'Code Correctness' : ['Test runs:', false]}, section : 'Testing', bool_yn : true) endif # Single value enum checks enum_check_sh = find_program('enum-check.sh', dirs : scriptsdir, required : true) if enum_check_sh.found() foreach source_file : main_sources + pan_view_sources + view_file_sources source_file_name = fs.name(source_file) test('Single Value enum_ ' + source_file_name, enum_check_sh, args : [source_file], timeout : 100) endforeach summary({'Single Value enum' : ['Test runs:', true]}, section : 'Testing', bool_yn : true) else summary({'Single Value enum' : ['Test runs:', false]}, section : 'Testing', bool_yn : true) endif # Debug statement checks debug_check_sh = find_program('debug-check.sh', dirs : scriptsdir, required : true) if debug_check_sh.found() foreach source_file : main_sources + pan_view_sources + view_file_sources source_file_name = fs.name(source_file) if (source_file_name != 'debug.h') test('Debug Statements_ ' + source_file_name, debug_check_sh, args : [source_file], timeout : 100) endif endforeach summary({'Debug Statements' : ['Test runs:', true]}, section : 'Testing', bool_yn : true) else summary({'Debug Statements' : ['Test runs:', false]}, section : 'Testing', bool_yn : true) endif # Temporary comments checks tmp_comments_check_sh = find_program('temporary-comments-check.sh', dirs : scriptsdir, required : true) if tmp_comments_check_sh.found() foreach source_file : main_sources + pan_view_sources + view_file_sources source_file_name = fs.name(source_file) if (source_file_name != 'debug.h') test('Temporary Comments_ ' + source_file_name, tmp_comments_check_sh, args : [source_file], timeout : 100) endif endforeach summary({'Temporary Comments' : ['Test runs:', true]}, section : 'Testing', bool_yn : true) else summary({'Temporary Comments' : ['Test runs:', false]}, section : 'Testing', bool_yn : true) endif # Lua test option = get_option('lua') if not option.disabled() if lua_dep.found() if xvfb.found() lua_test_sh = find_program('lua-test.sh', dirs : scriptsdir, required : true) test('Lua test', lua_test_sh, args: [geeqie_exe], is_parallel : false, timeout: 100) summary({'lua' : ['Test runs:', true]}, section : 'Testing', bool_yn : true) else summary({'lua' : ['Test runs:', false]}, section : 'Testing', bool_yn : true) endif else summary({'lua' : ['Test runs:', false]}, section : 'Testing', bool_yn : true) endif else summary({'lua' : ['Test runs:', false]}, section : 'Testing', bool_yn : true) endif # Ancillary files test test_ancillary_files_sh = find_program('test-ancillary-files.sh', dirs : scriptsdir, required : true) test('Ancillary files', test_ancillary_files_sh, args: [meson.current_source_dir()], timeout: 100) summary({'Ancillary files' : ['Test runs:', true]}, section : 'Testing', bool_yn : true)