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[geeqie.git] / doc / docbook / GuideReferenceLIRC.xml
1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>\r
2 <section id="GuideReferenceLIRC">\r
3   <title id="titleGuideReferenceLIRC">Infra-red controller</title>\r
4   <para>Recent Linux kernels have in-built support for ir devices, making lirc support redundant.</para>\r
5   <para>If you wish to use lirc with Geeqie, the lirc libraries must be installed. If you are compiling from sources, lirc functionality will be available if the library dependencies are met.</para>\r
6   <para>If you are using a pre-compiled distribution, availability depends on the package maintainer.</para>\r
7   <para>\r
8     The website\r
9     <ulink url="">Linux Infrared Remote Control</ulink>\r
10     has detailed information on this subject.\r
11   </para>\r
12   <para>\r
13     You will need to create a configuration file for the controller you will use. This file must be installed at the location specified in\r
14     <link linkend="GuideReferenceConfig" endterm="titleGuideReferenceConfig" />\r
15     .\r
16   </para>\r
17   <para>\r
18     Here is an excerpt from an .lircrc file:\r
19     <programlisting>\r
20       begin geeqie\r
21       begin\r
22       prog = geeqie\r
23       button = vol_up\r
24       config = ZOOM_IN 1\r
25       repeat = 3\r
26       end\r
27     </programlisting>\r
28   </para>\r
29   <para>The commands Geeqie will respond to are:</para>\r
30   <table frame="all">\r
31     <tgroup cols="2" rowsep="1" colsep="1">\r
32       <thead rowsep="1" colsep="1">\r
33         <row>\r
34           <entry>Command</entry>\r
35           <entry>Mapped to</entry>\r
36         </row>\r
37       </thead>\r
38       <tbody rowsep="1" colsep="1">\r
39         <row>\r
40           <entry>DOWN [int]</entry>\r
41           <entry>Pan down by the specified amount. Default=1</entry>\r
42         </row>\r
43         <row>\r
44           <entry>EXIT</entry>\r
45           <entry>Exit Geeqie</entry>\r
46         </row>\r
47         <row>\r
48           <entry>FIRST</entry>\r
49           <entry>Jump to first image</entry>\r
50         </row>\r
51         <row>\r
52           <entry>INFO</entry>\r
53           <entry>Show image overlay (full screen only)</entry>\r
54         </row>\r
55         <row>\r
56           <entry>LAST</entry>\r
57           <entry>Jump to last image</entry>\r
58         </row>\r
59         <row>\r
60           <entry>LEFT [int]</entry>\r
61           <entry>Pan left by the specified amount. Default=1</entry>\r
62         </row>\r
63         <row>\r
64           <entry>NEXT</entry>\r
65           <entry>Go to next image</entry>\r
66         </row>\r
67         <row>\r
68           <entry>PAUSE</entry>\r
69           <entry>Pause/unpause slideshow</entry>\r
70         </row>\r
71         <row>\r
72           <entry>PREV</entry>\r
73           <entry>Go to previous image</entry>\r
74         </row>\r
75         <row>\r
76           <entry>RIGHT [int]</entry>\r
77           <entry>Pan right by the specified amount. Default=1</entry>\r
78         </row>\r
79         <row>\r
80           <entry>ROTATE_90       ]</entry>\r
81           <entry>Rotate image 90 degrees clockwise.     .</entry>\r
82         </row>\r
83         <row>\r
84           <entry>ROTATE_90_CC</entry>\r
85           <entry>Rotate image 90 degrees counter-clockwise..</entry>\r
86         </row>\r
87         <row>\r
88           <entry>SET_INV_ZOOM [int]</entry>\r
89           <entry>Set Zoom level to 1:N. Default=1x</entry>\r
90         </row>\r
91         <row>\r
92           <entry>SET_ZOOM [int]</entry>\r
93           <entry>Set Zoom level to N:1. Default=1x</entry>\r
94         </row>\r
95         <row>\r
96           <entry>UP [int]</entry>\r
97           <entry>Pan up by the specified amount. Default=1</entry>\r
98         </row>\r
99         <row>\r
100           <entry>ZOOM_IN  [int]</entry>\r
101           <entry>Zoom in. Value specifies the amount of zoom.</entry>\r
102         </row>\r
103         <row>\r
104           <entry>ZOOM_MAX       ]</entry>\r
105           <entry>Zoom to fit image to window</entry>\r
106         </row>\r
107         <row>\r
108           <entry>ZOOM_OUT [int]</entry>\r
109           <entry>Zoom out. Value specifies the amount of zoom.</entry>\r
110         </row>\r
111       </tbody>\r
112     </tgroup>\r
113   </table>\r
114   <para />\r
115 </section>\r