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409 </style>
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412 <div class="navbar navbar-top"><table class="navbar"><tr>
413 <td class="navbar-prev"><a class="navbar-prev" href="GuideReferenceCommandLine.html" title="Command Line Options">Command Line Options</a></td>
414 <td class="navbar-next"><a class="navbar-next" href="GuideReferenceKeyboardShortcuts.html" title="Keyboard and Mouse Shortcuts">Keyboard and Mouse Shortcuts</a></td>
415 </tr></table></div>
416 <div class="sidebar"><div class="sidenav"><div class="autotoc"><ul>
417 <li><a href="GuideIndex-info.html" title="About This Document">About This Document</a></li>
418 <li>
419 <a class="xref" href="GuideIndex.html" title="The Geeqie User Manual">The Geeqie User Manual</a><div class="autotoc"><ul>
420 <li><a class="xref" href="GuideIntroduction.html" title="Introduction">Introduction</a></li>
421 <li><a class="xref" href="GuideMainWindow.html" title="Main Window">Main Window</a></li>
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423 <li><a class="xref" href="GuideOtherWindows.html" title="Stand-alone Windows">Stand-alone Windows</a></li>
424 <li><a class="xref" href="GuideImageSearch.html" title="Search and Select">Search and Select</a></li>
425 <li><a class="xref" href="GuideImageManagementPlugins.html" title="Plugins">Plugins</a></li>
426 <li><a class="xref" href="GuideImageManagement.html" title="File Management">File Management</a></li>
427 <li><a class="xref" href="GuideColorManagement.html" title="Color Management">Color Management</a></li>
428 <li><a class="xref" href="GuideImagePresentation.html" title="Image Presentation">Image Presentation</a></li>
429 <li><a class="xref" href="GuidePrinting.html" title="Printing">Printing</a></li>
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431 <li><a class="xref" href="GuideOptionsAdditional.html" title="Additional Preferences">Additional Preferences</a></li>
432 <li>
433 <a class="xref" href="GuideReference.html" title="Reference">Reference</a><div class="autotoc"><ul>
434 <li>Command Line Options</li>
435 <li><a class="xref" href="GuideReferenceKeyboardShortcuts.html" title="Keyboard and Mouse Shortcuts">Keyboard and Mouse Shortcuts</a></li>
436 <li><a class="xref" href="GuideReferenceThumbnails.html" title="Thumbnails">Thumbnails</a></li>
437 <li><a class="xref" href="GuideReferenceMetadata.html" title="Metadata Processing">Metadata Processing</a></li>
438 <li><a class="xref" href="GuideReferenceLua.html" title="Lua Extensions">Lua Extensions</a></li>
439 <li><a class="xref" href="GuideReferenceConfig.html" title="Configuration Files and Locations">Configuration Files and Locations</a></li>
440 <li><a class="xref" href="GuideReferenceLIRC.html" title="Infra-red controller">Infra-red controller</a></li>
441 <li><a class="xref" href="GuideReferenceXmpExif.html" title="XMP, Exif and IPTC">XMP, Exif and IPTC</a></li>
442 <li><a class="xref" href="GuideReferenceSupportedFormats.html" title="Supported File Formats">Supported File Formats</a></li>
443 <li><a class="xref" href="GuideReferencePixbufLoaders.html" title="Additional pixbuf loaders">Additional pixbuf loaders</a></li>
444 <li><a class="xref" href="GuideReferenceDecodeLatLong.html" title="Decoding Latitude and Longitude">Decoding Latitude and Longitude</a></li>
445 <li><a class="xref" href="GuideReferenceStandards.html" title="Standards">Standards</a></li>
446 </ul></div>
447 </li>
448 <li><a class="xref" href="GuideFaq.html" title="Frequently Asked Questions">Frequently Asked Questions</a></li>
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455 <div class="body body-sidebar"><div class="division section">
456 <a name="GuideReferenceCommandLine"></a><div class="header"><h1 class="section title"><span class="title">Command Line Options</span></h1></div>
457 <ul class="linktrail">
458 <li class="linktrail linktrail-first"><a class="linktrail" href="GuideIndex.html" title="The Geeqie User Manual">The Geeqie User Manual</a></li>
459 <li class="linktrail linktrail-last"><a class="linktrail" href="GuideReference.html" title="Reference">Reference</a></li>
460 </ul>
461 <p class="para block block-first">
462     Geeqie is called by the command:
463     <div dir="ltr" class=" block programlisting block-indent block-first"><pre class="programlisting">      geeqie [options] [path_to_file_or_collection]
464       <a name="-noteref-ref1"></a><sup><a class="footnote" href="#ref1">1</a></sup>
465     </pre></div>
466   </p>
467 <p class="para block">These are the command line options available to Geeqie:</p>
468 <div class="table block block-indent"><table style="border: solid 1px;">
469 <thead><tr>
470 <th class="td-colsep">Short Option</th>
471 <th class="td-colsep">Long Option</th>
472 <th>Description</th>
473 </tr></thead>
474 <tbody>
475 <tr>
476 <td class="td-colsep td-rowsep">+t</td>
477 <td class="td-colsep td-rowsep">--with-tools</td>
478 <td class="td-rowsep">Show file list, menu, and statusbar.</td>
479 </tr>
480 <tr class="tr-shade">
481 <td class="td-colsep td-rowsep">-t</td>
482 <td class="td-colsep td-rowsep">--without-tools</td>
483 <td class="td-rowsep">Hide file list, menu, and statusbar. Window contains image only.</td>
484 </tr>
485 <tr>
486 <td class="td-colsep td-rowsep">-f</td>
487 <td class="td-colsep td-rowsep">--fullscreen</td>
488 <td class="td-rowsep">Start up in fullscreen.</td>
489 </tr>
490 <tr class="tr-shade">
491 <td class="td-colsep td-rowsep">-s</td>
492 <td class="td-colsep td-rowsep">--slideshow</td>
493 <td class="td-rowsep">Start up in slideshow mode.</td>
494 </tr>
495 <tr>
496 <td class="td-colsep td-rowsep">-l [filelist] [collectionlist]</td>
497 <td class="td-colsep td-rowsep">--list [filelist] [collectionlist]</td>
498 <td class="td-rowsep">Open collection window containing images specified on the command line. Any collections on the command line will also be appended to this collection.</td>
499 </tr>
500 <tr class="tr-shade">
501 <td class="td-colsep td-rowsep"></td>
502 <td class="td-colsep td-rowsep">--blank</td>
503 <td class="td-rowsep">Start with file list blank.</td>
504 </tr>
505 <tr>
506 <td class="td-colsep td-rowsep"></td>
507 <td class="td-colsep td-rowsep">--geometry=&lt;w&gt;x&lt;h&gt;+&lt;x&gt;+&lt;y&gt;</td>
508 <td class="td-rowsep">Set the &lt;width&gt; &lt;height&gt; &lt;xoffset&gt; &lt;yoffset&gt; of the window. The parameters are in pixels.</td>
509 </tr>
510 <tr class="tr-shade">
511 <td class="td-colsep td-rowsep">-r</td>
512 <td class="td-colsep td-rowsep">--remote</td>
513 <td class="td-rowsep">Send command line options to existing Geeqie process.</td>
514 </tr>
515 <tr>
516 <td class="td-colsep td-rowsep">-rh</td>
517 <td class="td-colsep td-rowsep">--remote-help</td>
518 <td class="td-rowsep">List command line options available to --remote.</td>
519 </tr>
520 <tr class="tr-shade">
521 <td class="td-colsep td-rowsep">-h</td>
522 <td class="td-colsep td-rowsep">--help</td>
523 <td class="td-rowsep">Display brief command line option list.</td>
524 </tr>
525 <tr>
526 <td class="td-colsep td-rowsep">-v</td>
527 <td class="td-colsep td-rowsep">--version</td>
528 <td class="td-rowsep">Display version of Geeqie.</td>
529 </tr>
530 <tr class="tr-shade">
531 <td class="td-colsep td-rowsep"></td>
532 <td class="td-colsep td-rowsep">--debug[=&lt;level&gt;]</td>
533 <td class="td-rowsep">Turn on debugging output (when compiled with Debug enabled). &lt;level&gt; is 0 to 4.</td>
534 </tr>
535 <tr>
536 <td class="td-colsep td-rowsep">-g:&lt;regexp&gt;</td>
537 <td class="td-colsep td-rowsep">--grep:&lt;regexp&gt;</td>
538 <td class="td-rowsep">Filter debug output with regular expression</td>
539 </tr>
540 <tr class="tr-shade">
541 <td class="td-colsep td-rowsep">+w</td>
542 <td class="td-colsep td-rowsep">--show-log-window</td>
543 <td class="td-rowsep">Display log window</td>
544 </tr>
545 <tr>
546 <td class="td-colsep td-rowsep">-o:&lt;file&gt;</td>
547 <td class="td-colsep td-rowsep">--log-file:&lt;file&gt;</td>
548 <td class="td-rowsep">Save log data to file</td>
549 </tr>
550 <tr class="tr-shade">
551 <td class="td-colsep"></td>
552 <td class="td-colsep">--alternate</td>
553 <td>Use alternate similarity algorithm - experimental - requires re-compile.</td>
554 </tr>
555 </tbody>
556 </table></div>
557 <p class="para block"></p>
558 <div class="autotoc"><ul><li>
559 <span class="label">13.1.1. </span><a class="xref" href="GuideReferenceCommandLine.html#Remotecommands" title="Remote commands">Remote commands</a>
560 </li></ul></div>
561 <div class="division section">
562 <a name="Remotecommands"></a><div class="header"><h2 class="section title"><span class="title"><span class="label">13.1.1. </span>Remote commands</span></h2></div>
563 <p class="para block block-first">The --remote command line option will send all entered commands to an existing Geeqie process, a new process will be started if one does not exist. These are the additional commands that can be used with the remote command:</p>
564 <div class="table block block-indent"><table style="border: solid 1px;">
565 <thead><tr>
566 <th class="td-colsep">Short Option</th>
567 <th class="td-colsep">Long Option</th>
568 <th>Description</th>
569 </tr></thead>
570 <tbody>
571 <tr>
572 <td class="td-colsep td-rowsep">-n</td>
573 <td class="td-colsep td-rowsep">--next</td>
574 <td class="td-rowsep">Change main window to display next image.</td>
575 </tr>
576 <tr class="tr-shade">
577 <td class="td-colsep td-rowsep">-b</td>
578 <td class="td-colsep td-rowsep">--back</td>
579 <td class="td-rowsep">Change main window to display previous image.</td>
580 </tr>
581 <tr>
582 <td class="td-colsep td-rowsep"></td>
583 <td class="td-colsep td-rowsep">--first</td>
584 <td class="td-rowsep">Change main window to display first image.</td>
585 </tr>
586 <tr class="tr-shade">
587 <td class="td-colsep td-rowsep"></td>
588 <td class="td-colsep td-rowsep">--last</td>
589 <td class="td-rowsep">Change main window to display last image.</td>
590 </tr>
591 <tr>
592 <td class="td-colsep td-rowsep">-f</td>
593 <td class="td-colsep td-rowsep">--fullscreen</td>
594 <td class="td-rowsep">Toggle full screen mode of the main window.</td>
595 </tr>
596 <tr class="tr-shade">
597 <td class="td-colsep td-rowsep">-fs</td>
598 <td class="td-colsep td-rowsep">--fullscreen-start</td>
599 <td class="td-rowsep">Start full screen mode for main window.</td>
600 </tr>
601 <tr>
602 <td class="td-colsep td-rowsep">-fS</td>
603 <td class="td-colsep td-rowsep">--fullscreen-stop</td>
604 <td class="td-rowsep">Stop full screen mode for main window.</td>
605 </tr>
606 <tr class="tr-shade">
607 <td class="td-colsep td-rowsep">-s</td>
608 <td class="td-colsep td-rowsep">--slideshow</td>
609 <td class="td-rowsep">Toggle slide show for main window.</td>
610 </tr>
611 <tr>
612 <td class="td-colsep td-rowsep">-ss</td>
613 <td class="td-colsep td-rowsep">--slideshow-start</td>
614 <td class="td-rowsep">Start slide show for main window.</td>
615 </tr>
616 <tr class="tr-shade">
617 <td class="td-colsep td-rowsep">-sS</td>
618 <td class="td-colsep td-rowsep">--slideshow-stop</td>
619 <td class="td-rowsep">Stop slide show for main window.</td>
620 </tr>
621 <tr>
622 <td class="td-colsep td-rowsep"></td>
623 <td class="td-colsep td-rowsep">--slideshow-recurse:&lt;folder&gt;</td>
624 <td class="td-rowsep">Start recursive slide show for &lt;folder&gt; in main window.</td>
625 </tr>
626 <tr class="tr-shade">
627 <td class="td-colsep td-rowsep">-d&lt;[h:][m:][n][.m]&gt;</td>
628 <td class="td-colsep td-rowsep">--delay=&lt;[h:][m:][n][.m]&gt;</td>
629 <td class="td-rowsep">Set slide show delay to &lt;[hrs:][mins:][n][.m]&gt; seconds, range is 0.1 secs to 24 hours</td>
630 </tr>
631 <tr>
632 <td class="td-colsep td-rowsep">+t</td>
633 <td class="td-colsep td-rowsep">--tools-show</td>
634 <td class="td-rowsep">Show tools for main window.</td>
635 </tr>
636 <tr class="tr-shade">
637 <td class="td-colsep td-rowsep">-t</td>
638 <td class="td-colsep td-rowsep">--tools-hide</td>
639 <td class="td-rowsep">Hide tools for main window.</td>
640 </tr>
641 <tr>
642 <td class="td-colsep td-rowsep">-q</td>
643 <td class="td-colsep td-rowsep">--quit</td>
644 <td class="td-rowsep">Quit Geeqie.</td>
645 </tr>
646 <tr class="tr-shade">
647 <td class="td-colsep td-rowsep"></td>
648 <td class="td-colsep td-rowsep">--config-load:&lt;file&gt;</td>
649 <td class="td-rowsep">Load configuration from &lt;file&gt;.</td>
650 </tr>
651 <tr>
652 <td class="td-colsep td-rowsep"></td>
653 <td class="td-colsep td-rowsep">--get-sidecars:&lt;file&gt;</td>
654 <td class="td-rowsep">Get list of sidecars of &lt;file&gt;.</td>
655 </tr>
656 <tr class="tr-shade">
657 <td class="td-colsep td-rowsep"></td>
658 <td class="td-colsep td-rowsep">--get-destination:&lt;file&gt;</td>
659 <td class="td-rowsep">Get destination path of &lt;file&gt;. This is used by the symlink desktop file to implement the symbolic link operation. There is no useful function for the user.</td>
660 </tr>
661 <tr>
662 <td class="td-colsep td-rowsep"></td>
663 <td class="td-colsep td-rowsep">file:&lt;file&gt;</td>
664 <td class="td-rowsep">Open  &lt;file&gt; and bring Geeqie window to the top</td>
665 </tr>
666 <tr class="tr-shade">
667 <td class="td-colsep td-rowsep"></td>
668 <td class="td-colsep td-rowsep">File:&lt;file&gt;</td>
669 <td class="td-rowsep">Open  &lt;file&gt; and do not bring Geeqie window to the top</td>
670 </tr>
671 <tr>
672 <td class="td-colsep td-rowsep"></td>
673 <td class="td-colsep td-rowsep">--tell</td>
674 <td class="td-rowsep">Print filename of current image</td>
675 </tr>
676 <tr class="tr-shade">
677 <td class="td-colsep td-rowsep"></td>
678 <td class="td-colsep td-rowsep">view:&lt;file&gt;</td>
679 <td class="td-rowsep">Open new window containing &lt;file&gt;</td>
680 </tr>
681 <tr>
682 <td class="td-colsep td-rowsep"></td>
683 <td class="td-colsep td-rowsep">--list-clear</td>
684 <td class="td-rowsep">Clear command line collection list</td>
685 </tr>
686 <tr class="tr-shade">
687 <td class="td-colsep td-rowsep"></td>
688 <td class="td-colsep td-rowsep">--list-add:&lt;file&gt;</td>
689 <td class="td-rowsep">Add &lt;file&gt; to command line collection list</td>
690 </tr>
691 <tr>
692 <td class="td-colsep td-rowsep"></td>
693 <td class="td-colsep td-rowsep">raise</td>
694 <td class="td-rowsep">Bring the geeqie window to the top</td>
695 </tr>
696 <tr class="tr-shade">
697 <td class="td-colsep td-rowsep">-ct:clear|clean</td>
698 <td class="td-colsep td-rowsep">--cache-thumbs:clear|clean</td>
699 <td class="td-rowsep">clear or clean thumbnail cache</td>
700 </tr>
701 <tr>
702 <td class="td-colsep td-rowsep">-cs:clear|clean</td>
703 <td class="td-colsep td-rowsep">--cache-shared:clear|clean</td>
704 <td class="td-rowsep">clear or clean shared thumbnail cache</td>
705 </tr>
706 <tr class="tr-shade">
707 <td class="td-colsep td-rowsep">-cm</td>
708 <td class="td-colsep td-rowsep">--cache-metadata</td>
709 <td class="td-rowsep">clean the metadata cache</td>
710 </tr>
711 <tr>
712 <td class="td-colsep td-rowsep">-cr:&lt;folder&gt;</td>
713 <td class="td-colsep td-rowsep">--cache-render:&lt;folder&gt;</td>
714 <td class="td-rowsep">render thumbnails</td>
715 </tr>
716 <tr class="tr-shade">
717 <td class="td-colsep td-rowsep">-crr:&lt;folder&gt;</td>
718 <td class="td-colsep td-rowsep">--cache-render-recurse:&lt;folder&gt;</td>
719 <td class="td-rowsep">render thumbnails recursively</td>
720 </tr>
721 <tr>
722 <td class="td-colsep td-rowsep">-crs:&lt;folder&gt;</td>
723 <td class="td-colsep td-rowsep">--cache-render-shared:&lt;folder&gt;</td>
724 <td class="td-rowsep">
725               render thumbnails
726               <a name="-noteref-ref2"></a><sup><a class="footnote" href="#ref2">2</a></sup>
727             </td>
728 </tr>
729 <tr class="tr-shade">
730 <td class="td-colsep td-rowsep">-crsr:&lt;folder&gt;</td>
731 <td class="td-colsep td-rowsep">--cache-render-shared-recurse:&lt;folder&gt;</td>
732 <td class="td-rowsep">render thumbnails recursively</td>
733 </tr>
734 <tr>
735 <td class="td-colsep"></td>
736 <td class="td-colsep">--lua:&lt;file&gt;,&lt;lua script&gt;</td>
737 <td>run lua script on file</td>
738 </tr>
739 </tbody>
740 </table></div>
741 <p class="para block"></p>
742 </div>
743 <div class="footnotes">
744 <div class="footnote">
745 <a name="ref1"></a><span class="footnote-number"><a class="footnote-ref" href="#-noteref-ref1">1</a></span>The name of a collection, with or without either path or extension (.gqv) may be used. If a path is not used and there is a name conflict with a file or folder, that will take precedence.</div>
746 <div class="footnote">
747 <a name="ref2"></a><span class="footnote-number"><a class="footnote-ref" href="#-noteref-ref2">2</a></span>
748                 <p class="para block block-first">If standard thumbnail cache is not enabled, this command will be ignored.</p>
749               </div>
750 </div>
751 </div></div>
752 <div class="navbar navbar-bottom"><table class="navbar"><tr>
753 <td class="navbar-prev"><a class="navbar-prev" href="GuideReferenceCommandLine.html" title="Command Line Options">Command Line Options</a></td>
754 <td class="navbar-next"><a class="navbar-next" href="GuideReferenceKeyboardShortcuts.html" title="Keyboard and Mouse Shortcuts">Keyboard and Mouse Shortcuts</a></td>
755 </tr></table></div>
756 </body>
757 </html>